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  • 建筑卷扬机及其排绳机构的设计
                   摘 要


    关键词: 起重设备, 卷筒, 排绳机构

    winch is a construction lifting equipment, because of its simple structure, manufacture low-cost, easy to operate, right operating environment adaptability, construction, industry, agriculture, shipping, transportation, chemical industry, metallurgy and oil sectors such as for lifting and dragging heavy objects, etc., as well as each building site, Each team works essential equipment. The construction site, hoist rope on the ropes around the tube system disorder often occur, then squeeze each other rope, wear serious, shorten the life of the wire rope; Meanwhile, the windlass wearing spacing devices-generally heavy hammer or screw. Mallets-installation maintenance inconvenience, screw-type arrangement as rope around disorder caused spacing failure. In order to overcome the above drawbacks, the hoist to attach a rope agencies. Pai brought the design to reduce speed gear boxes for the moment, the drive to make arrangements justice agencies reciprocating linear motion. can make rope winch drum, were neatly arranged. Use the bodies uniform rope so as to enhance the life of the wire rope, thereby increasing production efficiency, reduce labor intensity.

    Keywords : lifting equipment, drum, volleyball justice agencies

    目 录
    1 绪 论 1
    1.1建筑卷杨机的简介 1
    1.2设计方法或技术路线: 3
    1.2.1设计要求 3
    1.2.2各零部件的设计 3
    1.2.3拟采用的方法或技术路线 3
    1.3本设计的意义 4
    2 卷扬机部件的设计计算 5
    2.1电动机功率选择、总传动比设计计算与校验 5
    2.1.1电动机功率的初选: 5
    2.2钢丝绳的计算及确定 8
    2.2.1材料和种类的分析 8
    2.2.2钢丝绳的固定方法: 8
    2.2.3钢丝绳直径的确定: 9
    2.3排绳机构传动方式的确定 10
    3 卷筒及卷筒轴设计 14
    3.1卷筒的设计计算 14
    3.1.1材料与结构的选用: 14
    3.1.2卷筒容绳尺寸参数: 14
    3.1.3卷筒的受力分析 17
    3.1.4卷筒强度计算校核 17
    3.1.5卷筒筒壁的稳定性估算 20
    3.2卷筒轴的设计计算 20
    3.2.1作用力计算 21
    3.2.2垂直面支承反力及弯矩 22
    3.2.3水平面支承反力及弯矩支反力 22
    3.2.4合成弯矩 23
    3.2.5.计算工作应力 23
    3.2.6心轴的疲劳强度计算 24
    3.2.7心轴的静强度计算 24
    4 卷筒轴齿轮及排绳器设计 25
    4.1齿轮类型、精度级度、材料及齿数等设计 25
    4.1.1齿轮类型、精度级度、材料及齿数分析 26
    4.1.2齿面接触强度设计 26
    4.1.3.齿根弯曲强度计算 28
    4.1.4模数m设计 29
    4.1.5齿轮几何尺寸计算 29
    4.1.6齿轮验算 30
    4.1.7齿轮结构设计: 30
    4.2排绳器的设计 32
    4.2.1工作原理 32
    4.2.2工作过程分析: 33
    4.2.3 强度计算校核 34
    4.2.4 滑块强度校核 36
    4.2.5 润滑 37
    5 电气控制系统设计 38
    5.1 电气控制系统的要求和内容 38
    5.1.1电气控制系统的要求 38
    5.1.2 电气控制系统的内容 39
    5.2 电气控制原理图的设计 39
    5.2.1 主电路的设计 40
    5.2.2控制电路的设计 40
    5.2.3辅助电路的设计 41
    参考文献 45
    结 论 46
    致 谢 47
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建筑卷扬机及其排绳机构的设计_下载(rar格式) 机械图纸