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  • 更新时间:2016-02-10
  • 发 布 人: lengbingbing
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  • 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置设计
  • 摘要:窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置是现代工业最早出现的,它具有结构简单,价格低廉的优点,迄今已有近二百年的历史并仍在广泛使用。除了在锻压行业外,亦用于建材行业。对制造产业起了巨大作用和现实意义。

    Abstract: As the earliest screw presses in modern industry, fray presses has the advantages of simple structure and low prices which has been using for nearly two hundred years and is still popularly used now. Fray presses is not only used in forge industry, but also used in building material industry. Fray presses has a great influence on manufacturing industry and a practical value.
    This paper examined a number of domestic and foreign literature, a detailed understanding of the internal and external fray presses Optimization of the status quo and developments. Screw conveyor for the engineering design and use, there were still a few shortcomings, such as the choice of parameters such as irrational. Text of a more comprehensive exposition conveys the fray presses principle. Comprehensive use of the practice in previous calculations better results can be used to solve practical problems. To fray presses design have reference value.
    Keywords: fray presses; structure design; examines

    目 录
    1. 绪论 1
    1.1 引言 1
    1.2 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置概述 1
    1.3 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置的发展历史趋势 2
    1.4 课题的提出及研究的意义 2
    1.4.1 课题的提出及创新 2
    1.4.2 课题研究意义 3
    1.5 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置的现状及改进方法 3
    1.5.1 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置的现状 3
    1.5.2 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置改进方法 3
    1.5.3 改进后及固有的性能特点 4
    2. 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置初步设计及单元功能设计 6
    2.1 结构设计 6
    2.2 控制系统设计 8
    3. 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置的设计计算 9
    3.1 初步设计 9
    3.2 设计V带 11
    3.3 设计摩擦轮 14
    3.4 花键轴的设计 16
    3.5 滚动轴承的选择 19
    3.6 键的设计与校核 20
    3.7 螺杆螺母的设计 22
    4. 总结及说明 25
    4.1 总结 25
    4.2 窄幅卫星式柔性版印刷机印刷装置的使用与维护 25
    参考文献 26
    致谢 27
    附录 28

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