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  • 数控机床机械传动设计
  • 数控机床机械传动设计

    关键词:数控机床 传动系统 精度 设计
    Of this study is the design of the transmission tools of CNC machine , mechanical transmission gear under the influence of external factors and the factors driving accuracy will greatly reduce the Accuracy, such as geometric accuracy and deformation of the thermal deformation of machine tools, as well as the movement between the friction and the transmission gap. These are the transmission accuracy of CNC machine tools, I am also from this start begin to improve the transmission accuracy of CNC machine tools, from all aspects.I completed the design include the formulation of some of the raw data, according to the parameters of the proposed transmission scheme compared to determine the transmission scheme. Then calculate the transmission ratio of the pair and gear of the transmission, and then estimate the modulus of the gear and the axis of the shaft, and gear and shaft strength and stiffness of the check. In addition, we must design the main structure of cabinets, some parts of the selection, thus completing the design of the mechanical drive system as a whole.Keywords: accuracy of CNC machine tool drive system design

    Keywords:NC machine tool; driving system; Accuracy;design
    2.主传动方案的拟定 10
    2.1 初定传动方案 10
    2.2 方案的选择 11
    3.动力计算 17
    3.1 齿轮的计算(计算过程参考文献2 第八章) 17
    3.2 电磁离合器的选择和使用 26
    4.轴的设计和验算 28
    4.1 轴的结构设计 28
    4.2 轴的强度校核(以Ⅰ轴为例) 29
    4.3 轴的刚度校核(以Ⅰ轴为例) 32
    5.主轴变速箱的装配设计 34
    5.1 箱体内结构设计的特点 35
    5.2 设计的方法 35
    6.滚动导轨的结构 37
    6.1导轨结构的设计 37
    7.PLC概述 43
    7.1 PLC的发展历程 43
    7.2 PLC的发展趋势 45
    7.3 PLC的应用 46
    7.4 PLC的硬件结构 47
    7.5 PLC的工作原理 48
    8. PLC控制系统设计 49
    8.1 确定I/O的点数 49
    8.2 选择适用的PLC机型 50
    8.3 输入/输出点的分配 50
    8.4 PLC接线图 50
    8.5 PLC控制程序梯形图设计 50
    8.6 改造中必须注意的几个问题 51
    致谢 53

    参考文献 54
    附件清单 55 ...
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