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  • 履带式掘进机的行走装置及液压系统设计
  • 履带式掘进机的行走装置及液压系统设计
    目录 1
    摘要 2
    第一章 概述 4
    1.1掘进机的发展现状与前景展望 4
    1.2悬臂式掘进机的主要组成部分 7
    1.3 EBJ─120TP型掘进机简介 9
    1.4履带式掘进机在半煤岩工作条件下应用设计要求 14
    第二章 总体方案设计 17
    2.1掘进机总体结构布置 17
    2.2掘进机各组成部分基本结构设计 17
    第三章 行走部设计 22
    3.1行走部设计要求 22
    3.2设计布置传动方案 22
    3.3行走部各部分的具体设计 23
    第四章 液压系统设计 30
    4.1液压系统各回路介绍 30
    4.2几种主要液压元件的选型设计 33
    4.3内、外喷雾冷却除尘系统 35
    4.4润滑 36
    第五章 装机事项与检修及检修 37
    5.1搬运、安装和调整 37
    5.2机器检修 38
    结论 44
    参考文献 45
    致谢 46

    关键词:悬臂式掘进机 ;行走部 ;行星减速器 ;制动器 ; 行星齿轮
    This design References the EBJ-120TP tunneling machine which is designed by Coal Science Research Institute in Taiyuan. It is one kind of medium cantilever tunneling machine which is mainly used in the medium coal lane and the half coal crag lane digging the tunnels, its structure compact, the compatibility good, the fuselage short, the center of gravity low, the operation simple, the overhaul is convenient. My design mainly aims at the tunneling machine’s walks-organization. I try to carry on the design of its structure and transmission.It uses marching walks organization, the actuation power provides by the oil motor, using the change of the oil motor’s rotation direction to make the walks-organization advance, retrocede, and turn. In the transmission design of the walks organization, using High-speed hydraulic motor to connect a pair of cylindrical Gear then connect a 3 K (II) type planetary gear, and uses the brake to link hydraulic motors
    Brake Inner Ring suspended can brake and link, and the source of more reliable braking performance. The innovation in designing: Use braking instead of coupling; when reducer is installed ,at each side of the reducer reversed 180 degrees staggered layout. Make full use of space and compact structure.
    Keywords:Cantilever tunneling machine; Walks-organization;
    Planet reduction gear; Brake, Planetary gear
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