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  • 基于单片机的智能测速仪毕业设计
  • 基于单片机的智能测速仪毕业设计
    在工程实际中,电机在运行过程中,需要对其监控,转速是一个必不可少的参数,需要对其进行测量。测量转速的方法分为模拟式和数字式两种。模拟式采用测速发电机为检测元件,得到的信号是模拟量。数字式通常采用光电传感器等为检测元件,得到的信号是脉冲信号。随着微型计算机的广泛应用,特别是高性能价格比的单片机的出现,转速测量普遍采用以单片机为核心的测量方法。 本文设计的是运用AT89C51单片机控制的智能化转速测量仪。本设计基于AT89C51单片机平台,采用光电传感器实施电机转速测量的方法,硬件系统包括脉冲信号产生,脉冲信号放大、波形变换、波行整形和显示模块,以及PC机与单片机之间的串行通讯。充分发挥了单片机的性能。本文的软件重点是采用C语言编程,测量速度并显示在4位LED数码管上。
    [关键词] 转速测量;单片机;光电传感器;电机,LED。
    In engineering practice, the motor needs to monitor when it is working. Because the speed is an essential parameter to the motor, the speed of the motor must be measured. The methods of speed measurement are classified into two kinds: analog and digital. The former adopt tachometer generator as the components of detection, the result of it is an analog signal. The later adopt photoelectric sensors as the components of detection, the result of it is a pulse signal. With the wide development of micro-computer, especially the emergence of high-performance and cheap MCU, the measurement of speed commonly based on the MCU. The design of this article is using AT89C51 Microcontroller to control the speed of monitor. This design is based on AT89C51 microcontroller platform, using photoelectric sensors as the main method of the motor speed measure.
    The hardware system, including pulse generation, pulse amplification, waveform conversion, wave-line shaping and display modules, the communication between PC and MCU . The performance of micro-computer is perfect. The software of this article mainly adopt C language program, the measured speed displayed on four LED digital tube.
    The advantages of this design is the hardware circuit very simple , software function very perfect ,react very fast , high precision ,control system reliable and good performance.

    Key words: speed measurement ,Micro-computer photoelectric, sensor, motor,LED.

    一、概述 1
    1.1转速测量系统的发展背景及现状 1
    1.2本次毕业设计的意义 2
    二、转速测量系统的原理 3
    2.1转速测量方法 3
    2.2转速测量原理 3
    三、系统方案提出和论证 5
    3.1方案一采用霍尔传感器 5
    3.2方案二采用光电传感器 6
    四、系统硬件设计 9
    4.1 AT89C51单片机介绍 9
    4.2转速信号采集 12
    4.3转速信号处理电路设计 13
    4.4电压转换电路 13
    4.5最小系统的设计 14
    4.5.3外部中断电路 16
    4.6 显示部分设计 17
    4.7 串口通讯设计 19
    4.8系统的仿真设计 20
    五、系统软件设计 22
    5.1主程序 23
    5.2子程序 24
    六、系统调试 26
    6.1硬件调试 26
    6.2软件调试 26
    六、总结 28
    七、致谢 29
    八、参考文献 30
    附录一 智能测速仪电路原理图 31
    附录二 元器件明细表 32
    附录三 智能测速仪控制程序 33
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