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  • 新型电动钎探机设计
  • 新型电动钎探机设计



    关键词: 电动 新型 钎探机
    In accordance with China's building codes, the vast majority of construction projects based on the Turkish side to the bottom after excavation carried out geological exploration, the general said solder detectors, to determine the basis of certain geological, uniformity depth, to see whether there is a local soft or too tough Geological conditions, in order to deal with in the foundation. Ever exploration of the solder used artificial way, but the presence of the high cost of exploration brazing, slow, not standards, unequal power, and many other shortcomings, and the majority of workers often meet up, will not achieve due results.
    The design of new electrical solder exploration of the biggest advantages is the design of new, small size, light weight, compact, heavy hammer will, hammerhead natural whereabouts, no other human factors, transportation convenient, shift-fast, safe, reliable, easy maintenance , simple operation, one will see. A single-phase power, efficiency is of a more than five times the solder, saving a lot of resources and cost effectively shorten the construction period.
    Exploration of new electrical solder machine has three main components: the electromagnetic hammer, and with self-locking of the foot. The course of their work are as follows: The chassis-placed to secure exploration and vertical with the ground, and then solder used hammers hammering exploration devices at the head of the hammer to a certain depth, and record the number of hammering, the final use of the equipment from the solder Exploration - Uprooted from the ground, completed a solder exploration work, then move to the next-filler for exploration solder points followed by brazing exploration.
    KEY WORDS:electromotion new type solder Exploration
    第一章 前言 1
    1.1钎探机的常识和技术现状 1
    1.2人工钎探与钎探机的优缺点 1
    1.3钎探机的市场前景 2
    1.4钎探机工作过程和机械构造 3
    1.5钎探的工艺标准 4
    第二章 总体设计 8
    2.1概述 8
    2.2设计任务 8
    2.3设计目的 9
    2.4设计方案选择 9
    2.5设计题目分析及设计思想 10
    2.6设计主参数及机构类型确定 11
    第三章 主要部件设计 12
    3.1电磁锤设计 12
    3.2锁钎器设计 20
    第四章 辅助部件设计 28
    4.1底架设计 28
    4.2控制系统设计 37
    第五章 钎探机的使用 38
    5.1钎探机使用前的准备 38
    5.2钎探机的使用 38
    5.3钎探机的调整 38

    参考文献 39
    设计小结 40
    英文原文 ...
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